Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Gaansbai Area South Africa

Gansbaai nestles at the foot of Dynefontein Mountains, and boasts a beautiful coastline with magnificent "fynbos" vegetation. In 1881, Johannes Cornelis Wessels, an 18 year old fisherman, walked all the way across the dunes from Stanford to GANSBAAI [bay of geese], named after a colony of Egyptian geese that used to nest in the area. Fishing was so good that he decided to settle here in a hut from stone, daub and reeds. Today, along with the fishing industry, GANSBAAI has grown into a charming village and holiday resort with a school, churches of various denominations and shops to provide for every need. Fish shops are stocked with fresh catches daily. GANSBAAI is a popular holiday resort for fishing and diving enthusiasts.

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